Outdoor cushions - Customer's Product with price 115.00 ID LLHRhG25IM5qlbGEQU8pMOhV

Outdoor cushions - Customer's Product with price 115.00 ID LLHRhG25IM5qlbGEQU8pMOhV

Price from $115

Fabric - Keylargo Keylargo - Aqua (50)
Filling - Ergofill Fibre & Foam (3)
Measurements - Length in centimeters (C): 110
Measurements - Depth centimeters (B): 16
Measurements - Height millimetres (A): 50
is_calculated true
configId LLHRhG25IM5qlbGEQU8pMOhV
productUrl https://creativeupholstery.co.nz/products/outdoor-cushions
_image https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0732/4562/2578/files/LIONBENCHSEAT.jpg?v=1699579347

SKU: n/a